
ATM Cards

In order to facilitate banking transactions during 24*7, Karnataka Gramin Bank has been issuing the debit cards to its customers. Presently bank is issuing RuPay cards in association with NPCI. Following are type of cards issued by the Bank

  • Platinum cards
  • Classic debit cards
  • Junior Debit cards

Platinum Debit Cards

These cards are issued to High value customers. The cards are personalised in nature and come with Rupay Accident Insurance scheme of uptoRs 2 lakhs *. The Platinum card is having following additional facilities over the Classic Debit Cards.

  • Cash back offers from NPCI
  • Customers can access Customer Lounge in airports in India (provided by NPCI)
  • Rupay Accidental Insurance coverage upto 2.00 lakh

Classic Debit Cards

These cards are issued to all SB account holders, KCC and MUDRA account holders.

Junior Cards

In order to inculcate the habit of saving at young age and for convenience of the students to avail Banking services during non business hours also, Bank has issues Junior Debit cards to students above the age of 12 years.

PMJDY Debit Cards

This card is issued to PMJDY account holders. These cards are covered under RuPay Accident Insurance*.

*Insurance cover is provided by NPCI.

The above cards can be used for

  • Withdrawal of cash from all ATMs all over India
  • For making online transactions
  • For making payments through PoS machine

As per RBI guidelines Bank has been issued EMV chip based debit cards.

* Terms and Conditions apply.